SRHC Candidates Up For NCHC Elected Positions!
The Southern Regional Honors Council (SRHC) has a long history of providing leadership within the National Collegiate Honors Council (NCHC). Today, is the final day to cast your vote in the 2019 NCHC Election. Again, this year, the slate of candidates for executive offices includes many members from SRCH, and we encourage you to vote for and support these candidates.
Vice President (vote for 1)
Christina McIntyre
Board Candidates at Large (vote for 3)
Daniel Roberts, Virginia State University
Steven Edwards, Delgado Community College
Kathy Cooke, University of South Alabama
Scott Cook, Madisonville Community College
Victoria Bryan, Cleveland State Community College
Student Board Candidates – I year position (vote for 1)
Abagael Kinney, Northwestern State University
JheDienne Adams from UTC running for the 2-year position