Call for Proposals
The 2025 conference will offer nine presentation strands and five presentation options that explore the overarching theme of “Honoring Story.” In your submissions, we invite you to consider narrative and storytelling broadly as they relate to any of the presentation strands listed below.
As always, presentations do not have to reflect the theme of the conference, but feel free to utilize the theme wherever appropriate. Your proposal should include a 150-word abstract as well as a list of all co-authors and presenters.
Proposal Deadline: January 31, 2025
Academic panel presentations provide students with the opportunity to share their research findings from any discipline on a panel with 2-3 other students who share similar research topics. Students are encouraged to present dynamically on their topic, and if reading a paper, to engage their audience through eye contact and (where useful) visual illustrations. Each presenter will have approximately 12-15 minutes to present. Q&A time will be allotted either after all presentations have been delivered. Students must identify an appropriate strand in the abstract submission portal.
Academic poster presentations are an excellent way to showcase research and findings. A poster presentation is a formal, research-based presentation of your work that provides a visual representation of your research through text, charts, graphs, and other visual aids. Poster presentations will be allotted a time of 1.5 hours. Individuals will explain the project summarized in the poster and answer questions from people walking around during the assigned poster session. Presenters are responsible for printing their own posters which should be 48 inches x 36 inches. Easels and backing will be provided.
Presenters are encouraged to showcase their talents in music, singing, acting, dancing, filmmaking, visual art, or any other performance artform. In this presentation format, students will either introduce a live performance or a short film to a live audience as part of a panel of presenters OR show their visual art as part of the poster session. There is no limit to the length of the original film or performance submission, but the live presentation or viewing should be limited to 12-15 minutes. Longer works can be presented through targeted excerpts. Time will be allotted for questions and discussion after each performance and artists displaying their work at the poster presentations are expected to be there with that work to discuss it with participants.
Roundtable presentations emphasize direct interaction between presenters and audience. Ideas should be exchanged by using the presenters’ initial proposal to start a conversation. Unlike the academic panel presentation which foregrounds individual presentations and offers minimal time for discussion, the roundtable presentation seeks discussion between presenters and audience members as its core activity. Presenters craft a brief presentation or a series of remarks that will stimulate interaction and discussion. Roundtable sessions are allotted 50 minutes and must have a faculty or staff member as part of the session.
A newer addition to the presentation formats, workshops are intended to provide training for smaller audiences and offer the unique opportunity to focus intensively on topics and issues. Workshop sessions are allotted 50 minutes and are limited to faculty and staff presenters.
Presentation Strands
For the 2025 conference, the following presentation strands are available. When submitting your proposal, please accept the strand that best fits.
Arts & Media
Health Sciences
Honors Practices and Pedagogy
Interdisciplinary Approaches
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)
Social Sciences
Submission Instructions
Please follow all instructions below for your submission:
Please limit abstracts to 150 words. Failure to do so may result in your abstract being modified by the conference committee.
Please select only one presentation type and presentation strand for your presentation.
Students: Please do not submit a proposal until you have followed the approval/application process of your college/university.
Audio/visual fees are one of the single highest expenses associated with hosting a conference at a hotel venue. Audio/visual requires the use of a projector/screen to share a visual presentation (PowerPoint or other slide deck)
Select presentation rooms will have AV capability at no additional charge (i.e., laptop, projector, speaker, etc.) so we encourage you to explore presenting WITHOUT technology whenever possible. Consider using handouts or visual aids that can be uploaded for viewing in our conference software. Please indicate in your proposal submission if you must have AV to present your work.