SRHC 2025: Chattanooga, TN
Storytelling fosters community and interpersonal connection. It helps us recognize the importance of shared experience while also bringing us closer to those who are different from us. By focusing this year’s conference on stories and storytelling, we have the opportunity to highlight how individual and cultural narratives shape our education, our research, and our academic trajectories.

SRHC 2024: Jacksonville, FL
Situated on the St. John’s River, Jacksonville is a city of bridges. They are symbols of connection-connection between portions of the city, of course, but also connections between different cultures, connections between old and new, connections between history and progress. We invite you to use Jacksonville’s bridges as a metaphor to think about what connections look like to the future, to the world to come. Of course, as always, presentations do not have to reflect the theme of the conference, but feel free to “bridge the theme” wherever appropriate.

SRHC 2023
The Southern Regional Honors Council invites proposals for the 2023 Annual Conference in Charlotte, North Carolina from March 30 to April 2. This year’s conference is co-hosted by the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and Catawba College.
The conference theme is Honors in Transition. We welcome members of honors programs and colleges to submit proposals on any topic, though as you prepare for the Conference we encourage you to consider how your work informs understandings of transitions and how individuals and communities can navigate transitions.
November 4, 2022: Proposal Submissions Open
January 30, 2022: Proposal Submissions Close
January 9, 2023: Registration Opens
February 17, 2023: Early Bird Registration Deadline
Group Hotel Block Reservation Deadline
March 8, 2023