The name of the organization shall be the Southern Regional Honors Council, hereinafter referred to as the Council.
The objective of the Council shall be the promotion and advancement of honors programs facilitated by colleges and universities.
Section 1: General Membership
A. Membership in the Council shall consist of two categories: institutional and individual.
B. Institutional membership is granted to institutions of higher learning and other organizations whose interests reflect the objective of the Council. Such institutions receive the designation of “member” upon application and payment of institutional membership dues.
C. Individual membership is granted to faculty members, administrators, students, staff, and other persons interested in honors programs. Such persons receive the designation of “member” upon application and payment of individual membership dues.
Section 2: Honorary Membership
A. Honorary individual membership may be granted in recognition of distinguished service to the Council.
B. Honorary Membership nominations may be made by any member of the Council at a regularly scheduled business meeting. Nominations must be approved by the Executive Committee.
C. Honorary individual membership is sustained for life.
D. Such persons shall receive the designation of “member” by a simple majority vote of the Council at a regularly scheduled business meeting.
Section 1: General Authority
The general governing authority of the Council is vested in the voting membership when convened at the annual business meetings and on matters referred to the voting membership by mail ballot according to the Constitution and By-Laws.
Section 2: Voting Body
A. The voting body consists of those categories of members defined in Article 3 of the Constitution: namely, institutional members, individual members, and honorary members. As part of the voting body, honorary members are recognized as individual members.
B. Each institutional member in good standing shall appoint one faculty or staff member to cast one vote for that institution.
C. An individual member or an honorary member may cast a single vote as an individual member.
D. An individual member may cast a vote as either an individual member or as the representative of an institutional member. Under no circumstance shall an individual member cast more than one vote.
Section 3: Quorum
A. Two-thirds of the recognized voting body in attendance at the annual conference and business meeting will constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any previously announced business meeting.
B. Article 6, section 3, subsection C defines a quorum for meetings of the Executive Council.
C. Business may not be conducted at any meeting without a verified quorum attending.
Section 4: Executive Committee
The Council shall organize an Executive Committee to continue the work of the Council between Council meetings.
Section 5: Meetings
The Council shall hold a regular annual business meeting at a time and place to be determined by the Executive Committee.
Section 6: Mail Vote
Between meetings, the Executive Committee may submit questions or items of business for a vote of the Council membership. Such voting may be completed by post or electronic mail.
Section 1: Titles and Eligibility
A. The officers of the Council shall be one president, one vice president, one student vice president, one secretary, and one treasurer.
B. Only individual members as defined in Article 3, Section 1, subsection C or honorary members as defined in Article 3, Section 1 may run for the office of president, faculty/staff vice President, secretary, and treasurer.
C. The office of student vice president is limited to students from the Council’s institutional members as defined in Article 3, Section 1, subsection B.
Section 2: President
A. The president shall be the immediate past vice president and shall hold the office of president for one year or until a successor is elected. The president shall preside at all meetings of the Council, shall appoint committees, and shall perform such duties as pertain to the office of president.
a. Duties may include but are not limited to the following:
i. Serve as spokesperson for the Council
ii. Preside at the annual business meetings and events
iii. Preside at meeting of the Executive Committee, the Operating Board, and when meeting in Executive Conference
iv. Report on the business of the Council annually and at other times requested by the membership and Executive Committee
v. Appoint one or two conference chairpersons
vi. Appoint ad hoc committees as necessary to the business of the Council
vii. Serve as a member of the Executive Committee
viii. Perform other duties as required in executing the business of the Council, its Constitution, and By-Laws
B. In the president’s absence, the faculty/staff vice president shall conduct the business of the president.
C. If the president becomes unable, unwilling or otherwise fails to execute the duties of the office of president, the Executive Council may remove the sitting president of the Council by a 2/3 majority vote of the Executive Committee. When the sitting president is voted from office, the vice president will serve as President for the remainder of the term.
Section 3: Vice President
A. The vice president shall be elected by the Council at the annual business meeting and shall hold office for one year or until a successor is elected.
B. Nominations for vice president will be accepted from among the faculty, administration, or staff of a member institution or from among individual members.
a. The vice president may choose to serve as a conference chairperson for the Annual Conference. Serving as a conference chairperson is not compulsory.
C. The vice president shall succeed the president and serve as president at the end of the president’s appointment and upon the election of a successor to the office of vice president.
D. In the event of the vice president’s ascension to president as required in Section 2, subsections B and C, or if the vice president becomes unable to fulfill the duties of the office of vice president, the president shall appoint to the office of vice president one of the faculty/staff members-at-large sitting on the Executive Committee, who will serve as the vice president pro-tem for the remainder of the term.
Section 4: Student Vice President
A. The student vice president shall be elected by the Council at the annual business meeting and shall hold offices for one year or until a successor is elected.
B. Nominations for student vice president will be accepted from among the students of member institutions.
C. In the event of the student vice president’s inability to serve, conferral of degree, or failure to continue as a student at a member institution, the president shall make an interim appointment and select the appointee from among the student at-large members of the Executive Committee.
Section 5: Secretary
The secretary shall be elected by the Council at an annual business meeting for a repeatable three-year term. The duties of the secretary include the following:
Verifying a quorum is present in order to conduct business during meetings in which a quorum is required.
Keeping and circulating minutes of the Council and Executive Committee.
Editing or properly discharging editing responsibility for all of the Council’s publications.
Maintaining archives of relevant conference and Council documents.
Overseeing the process of elections, including publicizing opportunities and recruiting candidates to stand for elections to offices and positions on the Executive Committee.
If the secretary becomes unable to fulfill these duties, an interim successor will be appointed by the Executive Committee until the Council convenes at the annual business meeting. At such time, election to the office of secretary will require approval from the Council through processes outlined in Article 4 of the By-Laws.
Section 6: Treasurer
The treasurer shall be elected by the Council at an annual business meeting for a repeatable three-year term. The duties of the treasurer include the following:
Serving as custodian of the Council’s funds and securities and depositing in the name of the organization all monies or other valuable effects in such banks, trust companies, or other depositories as shall be approved from time to time by the Executive Committee.
Preparing and presenting an annual financial report to the organization, consisting of all financial transactions and related documentation.
Maintaining accurate membership and dues records.
Maintaining the Council’s corporate and tax-exempt status.
Publicizing, receiving applications for, and coordinating all matters pertaining to the Council’s student stipends.
Serving as host to the Council’s official headquarters.
If the treasurer becomes unable to fulfill these duties, an interim successor will be appointed by the Executive Committee until the Council convenes at the annual business meeting. At such time, election to the office of treasurer will require approval from the Council through processes outlined in Article 4 of the By-Laws.
Section 7: Elections
Elections for all eligible officer positions occur at the annual business meeting of the Council. Only those individual members or representatives of institutional members who/which have maintained membership for a period of at least one year may stand for election to any officer position.
Section 1: Organization
A. The Executive Committee shall consist of the current president, the vice president, the student vice president, the Council’s two most recent past presidents, the Council’s immediate past student vice president, the secretary, the treasurer, the conference chairperson(s), and six at-large members elected by the Council at the annual business meeting.
B. No more than one faculty/staff representative or faculty/staff individual member, and no more than one student representative or student individual member, from any given institution or institutional member may be placed in candidacy for elected office.
C. No institution or institutional member may be represented on the Executive Committee by more than one representative or individual member and one student member.
D. The president shall serve as chairperson of the Executive Committee and the secretary will serve as the secretary of the Executive Committee.
Section 2: At-Large Members
A. Three individual members as defined in Article 3 of this Constitution, excluding students, and three students representing institutional members serve as the at-large membership of the Executive Committee.
B. individual members elected as at-large members of the Executive Committee will be known as faculty/staff at-large members of the Executive Committee. Students elected as at-large members of the Executive Committee will be known as student at-large members.
C. Faculty/staff at-large committee members shall serve a three- year term. Election of at-large faculty/staff members is conducted on a three-year alternating cycle with the Council’s membership voting on one at-large committee appointment per year.
D. Student at-large committee members will be elected annually.
Section 3: Conference Chairpersons
A. The President shall appoint one or two conference chairpersons.
B. The conference chairperson(s) shall be assigned to one of the two proximate conference years.
C. It is the job of the conference chairperson(s) to consult with the Executive Committee and facilitate all aspects of their assigned annual conference.
D. The conference chairperson(s) may choose to run for an elected office of the Executive Committee in addition to serving as conference chairperson.
Section 4: Meetings
A. The Executive Council will conduct business at the annual meeting of the Council to be held in conjunction with the annual conference. Other meetings will be called at the discretion of the Executive Council chairperson.
B. If members of the Executive Committee are absent from the Council’s annual meeting or in order to conduct business, the president may appoint interim members to the committee by selecting from among Council members present.
C. For the Executive Committee, a quorum is reached with seven members present at the Executive Council meeting.
Section 1: Elected Offices
No officer of the Council or member at-large of the Executive Committee who has served a full term may be elected to a second, consecutive term unless that officer or committee member is the secretary, the treasurer, or a student.
Section 1: Process
A. Any proposal to amend or alter this Constitution and By-Laws shall be referred to the Executive Committee for suitable wording that clearly expresses the intent of the proposal and that is consistent with the other sections of the Constitution and By-Laws.
B. Amendments and alterations shall be submitted in writing to the secretary at least ninety days prior to the annual business meeting of the Council. A copy of the amended Articles shall be mailed or communicated electronically by the secretary to each member of the Council at least thirty days prior to the annual business meeting.
C. Amendments and alterations shall be put to a vote of the Council at the annual business meeting.
D. Amendments and alterations become a part of the Constitution upon receiving a two-thirds majority vote from the voting body as defined in Article 4, section 2 and Article 4, section 3 of the Constitution.
Section 1
Ratification of this document shall be by a simple majority of those present and voting at the first annual business meeting of the Council.
Section 1: Annual Dues
The annual dues for individual and institutional membership in the Council shall be recommended by the Executive Committee and stand for approval by vote of the Council.
Section 2: Voting Rights
Voting rights are granted to institutional members and individual members as outlined in the Constitution Article 4, section 2.
Section 1: Organization
The president, the vice president, the student vice president, the secretary, the Council Treasurer, and the immediate past president shall constitute the Operating Board.
Section 2: Charge and Execution
A. The Operating Board convenes to make such interim decisions as may be necessary and in accordance with Constitution and By-Laws in order that the business of the Council may be conducted.
B. The Operating Board shall have the responsibility for providing information and assistance to individual and institutional members, as well as non-member institutions and individuals as deemed appropriate, in order to establish or improve honors programs or honors education. Such information and assistance shall be coordinated through the office of the secretary.
C. Any activity or decisions made by the Operating Board will be documented by the secretary and reported to the Executive Committee and the Council.
Section 1: Charge
The Executive Committee shall transact such business of the Council as may be referred to it in the annual business meeting or by the officers and in accordance with the Constitution and By-Laws.
Section 2: Annual Conference
The Executive Committee shall be the consulting body charged with supporting the conference chairperson(s).
Section 3: Meetings
A. The Executive Committee shall hold three required meetings. The first required meeting will be held immediately prior to the Council’s annual conference. The second required meeting will be held immediately following the Council’s annual conference. The third required meeting will be the Executive Conference Meeting outlined in Article 8 of the By-Laws.
B. Other meetings may occur at such times as deemed necessary by the president. Any meeting called other than the two required meetings may be convened electronically or telephonically when deemed appropriate and when all members of the Executive Committee have full access to the necessary electronic or telephonic technology.
Section 4: Budget
A. The Executive Committee shall be responsible for reviewing and approving an annual budget to be prepared by the treasurer.
B. The annual budget will consist of the financial reports provided at each meeting of the Council and Executive Committee.
C. The annual budget must be reviewed and approved by the Executive Council.
Section 1: Nominating Committee
A. The president of the Executive Committee will serve as chairperson of the nominating committee. The members of the Executive Committee will serve as the nominating committee.
B. The Nominating Committee shall solicit nominations from among the Council membership for each office of the Council and at-large members of the Executive Committee.
C. At the annual business meeting, the Nominating Committee shall submit the names of the nominees to the Council for consideration and provide curriculum vitae and the general qualifications of the nominees.
D. Student nominees require a letter of financial support from their home institution, indicating that the institution is committed to funding the nominee’s travel to and attendance at the three required meetings and other necessary meetings of the Council and the Executive Committee as specified in Article 3, section 3 of the By-Laws.
Section 2: Nominations from the Floor
Nominations from the floor for each office of the Council will be in order at the annual business meeting.
Section 3: Multiple Nominations
A. A candidate may stand for one office.
B. Upon being nominated for more than one office, a candidate shall choose one office for which to stand and make this intention publicly known and clear to the chairperson of the Nominating Committee.
Section 4: Membership, Candidacy, and Voting Body
A. Any candidate being nominated for an elected position serving the Council is bound to the membership requirements as stated in the Constitution, Article 3.
B. Individual members wishing to cast a vote or stand for an elected office must have settled and paid all dues and accounts required for membership with the Council at least two hours prior to the scheduled time of a meeting’s call to order.
C. Institutional members wishing to cast a vote must have settled and paid all dues and accounts required for membership with the Council at least 6 hours prior to the scheduled time of a meeting’s call to order.
Section 5: Voting Procedure
A. A vote for selecting the officers and at-large members of the Executive Committee will be held at the Council’s annual business meeting. Before commencement of the vote, the secretary must verify that all candidates standing in the election are individual members of the Council as defined in the Constitution, Article 3 and that candidates are eligible for candidacy as per the relevant subsection of the By-Laws, section 4. The secretary must also present all student candidates’ materials required in Article 4, section 1, sub-section D of the By-Laws.
B. Candidates standing for election will be elected by a simple majority vote of the members present, and in accordance with voting procedures specified in the Constitution Article 4, section 2.
C. If only one person stands in an election, that person must be elected by acclamation.
D. If an election results in a tie, the president will call an immediate run-off election between the tied candidates.
Section 1: Definition
The fiscal year of the Council shall be 1 July through 30 June.
Section 1: Robert’s Rules of Order
On all points of order not dictated by these By-Laws, the Council shall be governed by the most current publication of Robert’s Rules of Order or by the established usages in assemblages governed by parliamentary rule.
Section 2: Appointment of a Parliamentarian
A. The presiding officer at each Council meeting shall appoint a parliamentarian for that meeting.
B. Any ruling offered by the parliamentarian will be standard of measure for points of order made within that same meeting.
Section 1: Right to Amend
These By-Laws may be amended or altered at any annual meeting of the Council.
Section 2: Execution of Amendments
All alterations or amendments to these By-Laws are bound to the process dictated in Article 8 of the Constitution.
Section 1: Purpose
In order to provide interim consultation, discussion, or planning, the Executive Committee shall meet regularly at appointed times.
Section 2: Meeting
A. The Executive Committee shall meet in Executive conference session at the annual conference of the National Collegiate Honors Council or as needed.
B. The Executive conference session must be called by the president. In the absence of the president, the president may designate the faculty/staff vice president to call the meeting.
C. The meeting must have in attendance the president or vice president, the secretary or designee, the treasurer or designee, and a minimum of three additional members of the Executive Committee.
Section 3: Exceptions
A. The president, in consultation with the Operating Board, may determine the Executive conference session to be impractical for reasons of anticipated apologies for absence or extreme acts of nature. In such rare and extraordinary occasions, the president may call an Executive conference session at a time and location established by the Operating Board.
B. Meetings not held according to By-Laws Article 8, section 2, sub-section A may be convened electronically or telephonically when deemed appropriate and when all members of the Executive Committee have full access to the necessary electronic or telephonic technology.