Call for Conference Hosts
The Southern Regional Honors Council is now seeking a host(s) for our 2027 and 2028 conferences.
Conference hosts should be at a member institution located within the region.
Hosting requires support from your institution in terms of time and labor, though not financially. SRHC conferences are financed primarily through registration fees and sponsorships, therefore conference hosts do not need to consider how the conference will be funded. That said, hosts are welcome to note sources of funding they could contribute or obtain to defray the costs of the conference.
When thinking of hosting a Conference, be aware that there are certain regular events at every conference, however, each Conference Committee determines the budget, number of participants and theme for the Conference (if any). Please refer to our past conferences for more information.
The SRHC Executive Director and Committee will be there to support every decision and help with planning to provide support to best represent the institution and the organization. SRHC also handles contracts and negotiations.
If you are interested in hosting the conference in 2027 or 2028, please contact SRHC Executive Director, Aaron Hanlin (